Meet The Team

Do you have a few great people on your project team that seem to take the initiative to drive delivery and bring innovative ideas to do things better? Well that’s who our people are.

Stanislav Vitruk

Consultant • Project Management Consulting

What Drives Him

Passionate about delivery of big infrastructure projects to develop the society to be a better place. Seeing how the infrastructure improves peoples day to day lives. The importance of planning and planning tools that improve the delivery process.

Backstory and Achievements

Starting his career in very early days as engineer has given him passion to succeed which followed with the challenge of delivering the biggest infrastructure project in Europe at the time, Crossrail. Experiencing working with all disciplines within rail to deliver Crossrail Stan has built relationships and gained valuable experience in Civils (working on a railhead, two compounds and two bridges), OLE (Tunnel wide electrification) M&E (tunnel wide electrical connections and trays) as well as working with other contractors and understanding their work. This was the challenge he has seen through the early days of track installation to completion and handover.

After completing Crossrail another big challenge was introduced, the delivery of the world’s biggest Anaerobic Digestion Food Waste Processing Plant in Hong Kong. This has certainly been a very interesting experience working with people of another culture under a different contract and methodology of work. The M&E element of the plant was fascinating and required a lot of technical knowledge of the machines and process of the anaerobic digestion.

Formal Qualifications

• HNC in Construction and Built Environment

Fun Facts

• Love to travel and explore the world.

• Passionate about mountains, hiking and mountain biking, skiing.

• Enthusiast in gaming, cars and motorbikes.

• Avid Fisherman

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