The Problem
Without much visibility and with a high degree of uncertainty around the budget management and control of one of the largest Semi-Conductor projects in Europe, there was an immediate need to establish a mechanism to provide visibility, control, and confidence about some key indicators around the budget and performance of the project.
The fact that this was an already ongoing project where ways of working had been established in already made the approach more challenging; multiple stakeholders were part of the data generation and management, and previous attempts did not prove successful to satisfy the Client’s requirements.
The Solution
Laminar approached this following a clear process that would initially identify and define the problem, list the requirements and must haves and then developed a tailored strategy following a discovery period which would take into account what was already in place and worked, what was available and what was needed. The intention was not to reinvent the wheel but to try and minimize any disruption on things that were working well and/or only needed a minor tweak.
Once the strategy plan was agreed, Laminar proceeded with the development stage that would go through an iterative process to gather feedback while using a first revision of the solution and whose intention was to refine this to ultimately reach a robust, flawless, and bespoke deliverable.
Finally, the decision built in Power BI, allowed our client to assess the information at different levels, depending on the end user, and therefore offering different levels of details as applicable.From high level performance indicators to the granularity of specific work packages’ performance.
All in all, the solution not only proved to be a live mechanism of control during the project but also set the basis for future projects that could benefit from it.
Due to the ease of applicability, results and feedback, our client’s team soon progressed further its adoption with defined responsibilities within their own teams proving how starting with the right approach can substantially have a big impact further down the line.
Going forward, projects can start being more standardised, opening possibilities to see beyond, through Portfolio management, and without forgetting how now there is an element of capability building within the team and organisation, which will effectively contribute to better project management.