Meet The Team

Do you have a few great people on your project team that seem to take the initiative to drive delivery and bring innovative ideas to do things better? Well that’s who our people are.

Viktoria Pravcheva

Senior Consultant • Project Management Consulting

What Drives Her

Viktoria is passionate about making things work better and searching for the optimal solutions. She has a holistic approach of problem solving, always trying to understand the interconnectivity of the parts of a system and the second-order effect.

She believes that the construction industry has an enormous social and environmental responsibility, and wants to help make more sustainable and efficient.

Backstory and Achievements

Originally from Bulgaria, she graduated civil engineering in the UK and started her engineering career as a temporary works engineer, developing a variety of demolition and construction sequence schemes and enabling works.

After two years, she expanded her experience as a structural engineer on a range of projects from high-rise commercial and residential buildings to refurbishment schemes.

Her passion for the integration of technology in engineering and construction and the opportunities it provides led her to pursue data science and its applications to the key problems of the industry.

Formal Qualifications

• Masters of Civil Engineering with Honours

• Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours

Fun Facts

• Feels drawn to the sea and the mountains.

• Enjoys watching live theatre, dance and music performances, reading fiction, weight training and boxing.

• Used to work as a dancer and a children’s party entertainer.

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