“This is an incredible set of results,”
reveals our Great Place To Work Consultant Sara Silvonen.
What exactly is Great Place To Work™ and what does it actually mean for us to be certified by them?

Yes, earlier this year the results came back from our accreditation attempt. Not only are we officially certified as a Great Place To Work™ (GPTW) in the UK, but according to Sara and the benchmark data they gather, we’re setting a new standard for what it means to work in our space.
As a quick reminder, GPTW is the global authority on workplace culture. If you attempt accreditation, it gathers anonymous feedback from your teams through a survey and analyses it using a unique model to recognise those workplaces that create an outstanding experience for their people. While the badge is a great achievement, it’s what the results reveal about how we feel when we switch on, log on, or step on site every morning that means the most:
“It's clear you have a strong foundation in terms of your culture and your people’s experiences,” says Sara.
“Looking through the feedback, there’s a real sense of people working very effectively together and cooperating but also celebrating each other and encouraging people to suggest even better ways of doing things. Compared to the average results for typical UK-based companies of your size, this is an incredible set of results.”

As you might expect, the survey also revealed areas where we can improve the way we do things. “There are some specific areas where you can make improvements, although these appear to be fine-tuning more than big-picture changes,” Sara adds.
Our People Operations team has been going through every statement shared with us to understand what they mean and how we can address them to make things even better in the future.
But get this: even in those areas where we received the most constructive feedback, Sara called out our high levels of engagement compared to GPTW’s benchmark data.
What does all this mean?
For you, we hope it’s reassuring: we’re doing what we set out to do on our mission to create a new type of organisation, one where our people can really flourish. If you’ve read our story, you’ll already know that’s the reason why we exist in the first place – to build somewhere where things are done the way we know they should be; where we can be ourselves, connect on meaningful levels, and learn from each other.
We’re frequently told by people thinking of joining us that they’re a bit sceptical when they hear all this because it sounds too good to be true. These results speak for us because they come from us – every one of our people who gave their time and shared their voice.
To hear from some of them for yourself, just watch the video below.
A big thanks again to everyone who participated in the survey. We work hard to create a place where everyone feels valued, and that wouldn’t be possible without your continued input. Being recognised as a Great Place To Work takes work, and we can all be proud of it.