A NY:SE listed battery recycling company seeking to gain improved control and visibility of performance over their global capital expenditure portfolio - Projects were busting their budgets and experiencing excessive overruns. They needed immediate support to regain control of their capital portfolio by developing a global governance framework and associated P3M and business processes.​
Footer Link Dividers (Horizontal)

The Challenges

  • Applied levels of challenge and scrutiny on Project Teams and Contractors was too low​.

  • Forecasts were not aligned with a mature technical solution – causing surprise costs and unforeseen overruns​.

  • Inefficiencies were rife due to a lack of control causing duplication, unnecessary efforts and repeat work​.

  • Poor internal maturity of capital project processes and procedures led to a lack of common understanding of how projects should be designed and delivered​.

The Solutions​

  • We identified existing gaps in capability and established a roadmap for development by means of 1:1 conversations, document reviews, and strategic analysis. ​

  • We developed and introduced a stage-gated execution framework to control the full capital project lifecycle from concept to handover, all in coordination with and approved by senior executives​.

  • Created a full suite of best-practice and tailored processes ready for immediate implementation, aligned with our roadmap to achieve the desired P3M maturity and organizational improvements​.

  • Complimented the processes with tools, templates and applications to enable teams to maintain control consistentlyand efficiently across the portfolio, regardless of region.​

The Impact​

  • Vital alignment of Estimating, Engineering and Schedule maturity - providing higher degrees of confidence of budget and time targets across the portfolio​.

  • Achieved the ‘vertical’ transparency needed for senior stakeholders to monitor performance and engage in risk reduction before it became too late​.

  • Realised a genuine common understanding between ‘horizontal’ multi-disciplined teams – leading to a positive shift in mindset whilst reducing risks throughout the project lifecycle​.
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